St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

Year 5 Homework

"Shakespeare's MACBETH" Cliffsnotes' Video Summary

Video grabbed from Cliffsnotes' Hope this video can help you understand Shakespeare's plays.

Peter in Jail

Uploaded by Teaching Kids about Jesus on 2014-01-11.

The Story of Stephen the Martyr

For more videos, subscribe to our channel: LIKE on Facebook: Video & Editing done by: Lives of the Faithful Music by: Lives of the Faithful

The Apostles and the High Council

This story shows the story of the Apostles from Acts 5:17-42.

Animated Bible Stories: The Conversion of Saul (Paul)-New Testament

The Conversion of Saul (Paul) Acts 9:1-31 Jesus appears to Saul (Paul) as he travels to Damascus to arrest the Christians there. This presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions:

Pupil Parliament Information

Year 5 have a number of regular weekly homework tasks to complete as well as 'topic' homework in History and Geography which is set every other half term.


  • History/Geography - There will be a half termly History or Geography topic-based task list to complete which needs to be handed in on the Friday before the end of this half term.
  • Spelling - Spelling rules are taught during English lessons and a word list is sent home at the start of the year. The children will be tested on one list of words per week and will be informed of which words on a weekly basis
  • Times Tables - Children should continue to learn and develop speed in times tables as they will complete a 'Times Table Club Challenge' every other week. I encourage them to use Times Table Rockstars to practise and set them 10 Garage sessions and 10 Studio sessions each week. 
  • Reading Journal - The children should complete a minimum of 1 Reading Journal task per week.


If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me. 
