Year 1
Welcome to Year 1
Teacher Message
Dear Parents,
Happy New Year to you all. We hope you and your children had a great Christmas break and are ready for the new school term.
Homework will continue to involve:
*daily reading and the enjoyment of 1000 stories.
We will continue tochange your child's reading book after it has been completed at home and recorded in their reading journal.
Please take time to look at our class page which is regularly updated with parent planners and photos of the children, especially during their class liturgies.
It is our priority to ensure that your child remains happy and safe whilst in our care at St Anne's. However, if you do have any queries, questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email. Alternatively you can fill out the contact form below which will send us a direct message.
Mrs McCabe
On behalf of the Year 1 team, we would like to thank you for your continued support and we look forward to working with you all this term.
The Year 1 Team!
Mrs McCabe and Miss Wallis
Key Information
Staff in Year 1
Mrs McCabe Year 1 Class Teacher: Tuesday - Friday
Mrs Wallis Year 1 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Trattos Science/History/Geography
Mrs Baker Art Teacher
Mrs Baynham-Hughes P.E
Homework in Year 1
Homework in Year 1 will be introduced in the second Autumn term. All Homework will be handed out on a Wednesday and it will be due back in every Monday. The main focus will be on Reading, Phonics/Spelling patterns and a Maths activity called Learn Its. There are numerous games and activities also available to your child via PurpleMash. When your child is set up with their usernames and passwords, they will be located inside their reading packets so that they can be kept safe.
Reading in Year 1
Children will continue to develop their reading skills through the teaching of phonics in class and with their own class reading book. We aim to change these books once a week and we would like you to listen to your child daily (where possible) to help build their confidence in this area. Please sign your child’s reading record every time you listen to them read and where necessary notify us with your comments. These can be very useful. You are also welcome to record comments about additional books your child has taken an interest in and we would also encourage you to continue to read books of interest to your child so that they can hear you reading too!
In Year 1, we start off the year, revising Level 3 Phonics sounds that were previously taught in Reception. After this, we progress onto Level 4 and Level 5. Level 5 being the main level being taught in Year 1. Please use this website (Phonics Play) at home to encourage your children to practise their reading skills by segmenting, using phoneme fingers and by blending. Your child will recognise which game they have been using in school. Suggested Levels to practise are below:
Autumn 1 - Any level 3 game
Autumn 2 - Any level 3, 4 or 5 game
Spring 1 - Any level 5 game
Spring 2 - Any level 5 game
Summer 1 - Any level 3 or 5 game depending on which digraph/trigraph your child needs most help
Summer 2 - Any level 3 or 5 game depending on which digraph/trigraph your child needs most help
Woodlands School in Year 1
This will take place every week (Tuesday's) during all weathers. We would strongly advise that you send your child into school with a clearly labelled pair of wellies along with a clearly labelled warm waterproof jacket or preferably a wet suit. They can get very messy!
Physical Education in Year 1
This will take place every week (Wednesday and Friday) Please remember that, we will be expecting your child to come into school all ready in their full St Anne’s PE kit and please ensure that earrings have been removed on this day. Children with long hair will also be expected to have this tied up.
For the spring term only, we will have dance every Monday.
We thank you, in advance, for your continued support.
Mrs McCabe and Miss Wallis