Friday 5th March
Daily Message
Good morning Year 6. Well, we have made it to the final day of lockdown 3.0!
I am so proud of you and everything that you have achieved during this difficult time.
Now, we need to get ready to return to school on Monday. Today I need you to spend a little bit of time getting organised and prepared. The work that you have completed in your exercise books is very important and forms part of your work for the year - therefore YOU MUST BRING THESE BOOKS INTO SCHOOL!
Here is a list of the tasks that you need to complete by the end of the day:
- Check through your exercise books and make sure that every piece of work has a date and a learning objective
- Make sure that you have stuck any loose worksheets or paper neatly into your exercise books
- If you have filed worksheets in a folder, please make sure that that work is dated with a learning objective
- Put all of the exercise books that you have worked in into your bags so that you do not forget to bring them into school
- Put your copy of Skellig in your bag - you will need it for lessons on Monday
- If you have not yet returned your copy of Floodland then please put that into your bag too
- Put your protractors in your bag to hand in
- Remember to bring in 2 gel pens for your written work
- Get your school uniform ready
We will need to go back to the rules and protocols we had before Christmas - e.g. sanitising, hand-washing, one-way systems, Dracula coughing, always facing the front without turning around etc.
I am really looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. Have a good rest over the weekend and come back ready to work!
Love and prayers
Miss Keedwell
Today's prayers
Look at the 2 videos below and reflect on your journey through Lent.