St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

Catholic Life



Welcome to the Catholic Life page for St Anne’s Catholic Primary School. It is an opportunity to share faith formation and some of the experiences we offer the children.


At St Anne’s, Catholic faith is central to all we do. Christian worship is an integral part of our school life. It inspires our mission of ‘Live, Love & Learn together with Christ’, it directs our teaching and learning and it offers us a vision for the goal of human life.


We recognise that education is not merely for its own sake, but for the full development of every child.  Each one of us has been created by God in His likeness with a desire to know and love.  We believe the ultimate happiness of children at St Anne’s is found in knowing and loving God.


We aim for every child to develop a personal and unique relationship with God.  It is our relationship with God which enriches our values & virtues, develops our motivation & aspirations and develops the moral imperatives that inform our choices and actions.


When pupils join our school, they become part of St Anne’s School and parish community. Every day starts with an Act of Worship either as a class or a whole school, we give thanks before and after lunch, we end the day with a prayer, we attend whole school assemblies and we take part in hymn practices. We lead class parish Masses and prayer services and we attend Mass at St Anne’s Church. We believe that Christ is at the centre of all we do and therefore we offer every child a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum of the highest standard to help their spiritual, emotional, moral, intellectual and physical development and to prepare children for the responsibilities of life beyond St Anne’s.


Please use the links above to find out more.

St Peter’s Chapel in School


The children teach us the meaning behind the words of our Family Prayer - Our Father. Please click on the link below.

General ideas to support your child's Catholic Faith:
