What Has Our Money Been Spent On?
2023 - 2024 - 2025
We are currently trying to raise between £15,000 - £18,000 towards the cost of our MUGA. MUGA means - Multi Use Games Arena. Due to the material used in the flooring, the MUGA will be able to be used all year around - unlike our playing field. The MUGA has already been built. We had our official opening where our MUGA was blessed by Father Gwil and all the children enjoyed this event. It is a popular part of our outdoor provision with all our children. The MUGA is used throughout the day by all classes. By supporting our events you will be helping us raise much needed funds for this space.

New Year 6 Classroom - 2022 - 2023
The PTA have been extremely busy fundraising towards the £30,000 needed for the new Year 6 classroom (completed in March 2023). We handed over a cheque for £20,000 to Mrs Johnston towards the cost of the new Year 6 building. Thank you everyone for supporting the PTA.
Things the PTA have purchased 2021 - 2022:
- Year 6’s transport to their residential
- Phonics reading books for Key Stage One and Early Years
- Cross-Curriculum reading texts across the school
- Programmable toys (Bee-Bots & Remote Control Cars) for Early Years
- Microscopes for science investigations
- New lighting and sound system for class and drama club productions