St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

Devotion to Mary

Our Lady of Lourdes


Feast Day - 11th February



October and May are the months where we honour Mary. In Reception we are learning that Mary is Jesus' mother. There are many different images and devotions to honour Mary. In Reception, our special devotion is "Our Lady of Lourdes".


We will listen to the story of St Bernadette. We are going to make a collage or banner to to help us pray to Our Lady of Lourdes. We will carry this banner during our May Procession.  



This devotion links very well later in the year, when in May we learn about the rosary, take part in the parish May Procession and make our own Rosary Beads.

Hail Mary - OneLife Music

We made a beautiful collage of Our Lady of Lourdes
