St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

Photo Gallery

Silent Disco - October 2023

‘We Built St Anne’s’ Wall

Film Night - September 2023

Promoting Tesco’s Community Grant in Tesco New Oscott

Easter Bingo - March 2023 £917.00 raised

Rags2Riches Collection - March 2023 £172.04 raised

PTA Valentine Discos for EYFS & KS1 / KS2 - February 2023 - £1250 raised

Outdoor Christmas Carol Concert December 2022

PTA Christmas Fayre - December 9th 2022 - £3000 raised

Colourful Christmas Hampers 2022

Film Night October 2022 - £1790 raised

Summer Garden Party July 2022

PTA Quiz Night - May 2022 - £435.20 raised

Colourful Class Christmas Hampers

Outdoor Family Film Night - Friday 17th September 2021

Our first PTA event back was a roaring success. An amazing outdoor film presentation on the school playing field courtesy of Mr Hennessy - The Lion King beamed across the field. The children and adults alike enjoyed the sounds of ‘Circle of Life’ and ‘Hakuna Matata’. There was an exciting atmosphere - especially as the night sky arrived. Wonderful food and drink was enjoyed by all and there was even animal themed face painting for the children. Thank you to the school community for supporting this event. Thank you to Mr Hennessy and Mr Florence for running the event and all the other PTA members for the wonderful team effort. We hope you all enjoyed your evening. 


24th January 2020 - PTA Quiz Night

Thank you to everyone who came out tonight. A fun night was had by all. Thanks again to Mr & Mrs Henderson. Some challenging questions tonight.  A wonderful £227.50 was raised towards PTA funds. 




20th September 2019


The wonderful cakes made by one of the PTA members for the Y1,2&3 Coffee afternoon.


We raised a fantastic £227

10th May 2019


The quiz master Simon once again produced a fun, alternative quiz for the parents and staff of school. 
