School Closure Home Learning 2020-2021
Good Morning Year 6,
As you are aware, we are now under National Lockdown restrictions and therefore school is closed to all children except key workers. On the Year 6 class page, you will find your daily learning schedules and all of the videos, resources and worksheets that you will need.
You have been working so hard in class and have achieved so much to be proud of all ready so I know that you will continue to challenge yourselves over the next few weeks.
Please make sure that you keep your home learning and bring it in to school when you come back and I expect to hear from you and see examples off your work at least once a week.
My email address is
Have a great day and enjoy your learning!
Love and Prayers
Miss Keedwell
Weekly Learning
In each of the weekly sub-sections below, you will find everything that you need for the week. I have included a flipchart (like the ones we use in school) which will give you instructions and all of the worksheets that you need to complete. I will also be uploading daily flipchart video clips onto the website and the Video Resource Centre pages on the website - this will include a commentary by me to help you with your learning.
Presentation in home learning books
I would like you to work as neatly and carefully at home as you would in school so you need to make sure that you set out all work correctly.
How to set out your work in your writing book
- Write the date.
- Write the learning objective
- Underline both with a ruler
- Use your best cursive handwriting
- Use a black or blue handwriting pen and a sharp pencil for maths
- Do not scribble out or deface your book
- Be as careful in your home learning books as you would be in your school books
Hello Year 6.
Below you will find a link to additional home learning resources. The government expectation is that children in Year 6 complete 4 hours of work per day.
If you are finishing all the tasks that I have set for the day in less than 4 hours, please complete another activity of your choice from the 'additional home learning' resources (this could be a skill or concept that you want to revise or a challenge).
Please complete the work in your exercise books.
Creative Activities
We have designed a number of ‘Creative Activities’ for you to do at home. You can either work your way through the list, or simply choose the ones you wish to complete.
Use your ‘Home School Learning’ book to record the learning and do not forget to share any amazing examples with me.
- In your house, find the three most interesting items. Draw them (pencil and shading) and then write about why each one is important to you.
- Choose your favourite book and write a letter to your favourite book character. Maybe there are some questions you have about the decisions they made, or maybe you can offer them some advice.
- Stand or sit just outside your back door (check with parents first). With your eyes closed, listen carefully to all the sounds around you (5 to 10 minutes), writing down all the different sounds you hear. Create a poem about the sounds you have recorded.
- Gather some leaves/ twigs/ fallen flowers and create a display - can you draw or paint it? Maybe you could create a collage on a piece of paper (take a photo and send it to your teacher!)
- Look inside your kitchen cupboards and, using the ingredients, to devise a recipe. Checking with your parent first, make your recipe and then serve it in your own restaurant- perhaps you could create a menu card and lay the table in a special way.
- Make playdough from scratch! What creations can you make? To find out more go to
- This is your life! Create a scrapbook all about your life. Interview parents and give your grandparents a call to find out more about your early life. Have they got any funny stories? Include interesting details about your life and key life events. Perhaps you could include a photo or two?
- Do some junk modelling! Use junk from around your house to create recycled crafts. Consider using cardboard boxes, toilet roll insides, bottle tops etc.
- Plan and write your very own sequel to your favourite book. Can you introduce a new character or different setting? How would your character react in this new environment? (Remember to include lots of description!)
- Create a wind-powered maze using LEGO or other materials.
- Produce your own family tree. Find out information about your family members and include interesting family facts. Are your pets part of your family.
- Write your own song and perform it to someone else. Lyrics can be very poetic!
- Create a comic book based on your favourite story or Marvel character. Write a short story that you can be produce into a comic book.
- Learn to say ‘Hello my name is ....” in as many languages as you can- for example “Sutmae fy enw i yw ....” - Welsh. List the words alongside the language it is from. Are there other phrases you can include – Hello? Goodbye? I live in England?
- Build a famous landmark out of LEGOS or other materials. Research the landmark and act out a guided tour.
- Make your own education board game. As well as the rules, you may need to make special cards and playing pieces.
- Research a holiday destination and find out as much as you can about the country. What is the national food, costume, capital city, language?
- Create and keep your own journal about your time at home. What are the best/ worst parts?
- Produce a ‘general knowledge’ quiz (question and answers) and host your very own Junior Master Mind Competition. Perhaps you can make two teams from the people in your home?
- First, read a classic novel. Then try to write one in your own words.
- Have a go at completing some Sudoku puzzles. Now write your own Sudoku problems. See
- Using your spellings, create your own word search.
- Choose 20 words from your current Project. Make a crossword, remembering to write a clue for each word. Don't forget to make some of the clues difficult (cryptic)