Thursday 4th March
Good morning Year 6.
This morning I would like you to go to 'virtual' mass. Please click on the video below and remember all your families, friends and class in your prayers.
Learning Schedule
English Lesson

English Work
Maths lesson

Maths Work
RE Lesson
There is no video for this lesson today Year 6. Just follow the instructions carefully.
Lesson 1 : L.O.: Understand that it tells us about Be able to consider the actions of Christians in light of this teaching.
Read the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats in St. Matthew’s Gospel (I have added a copy below). How easy is this teaching of Jesus? How easy is this teaching of Jesus? What do you think might make it difficult? Do we have to be selfish or we can choose to be generous to other people who have greater needs? (There are 2 short videos below which help to explain this).
Activity: Think about some real life scenarios where they have the choice of being selfish or being generous. You should identify the consequences of their choice. Complete table below.
Lesson 2: L.O.: Know the Beatitudes of Jesus. Understand some of the messages they contain about living as a follower of Christ today.
The Beatitudes teach us that Jesus has a concern for many different types of people, many of whom are in a state of need. Watch the videos below. (There are some short videos below to help you understand the Beatitudes)
Activity: From all that the children have learnt, write or draw (Look at the picture below) a modern day version of the Beatitudes of Jesus as a guide for Christian living. You may do this in any way you wish - draw, write, video, drama etc - be as creative as you can!