St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

Streetly Partnership Events

School Sport 

St Anne's are proud to be part of the Streetly Partnership, which facilitates the Your School Games Programme. This gives children the opportunity to be Inspired, Engage and Compete in activities. We aim to give all children the opportunity to participate in at least one Streetly Partnership activity during the academic year. So far this year we have attended events in Football, Netball, Cross-Country, Boccia, Footgolf and Sports Hall Athletics. 

Up and Coming Events


4th July 2024 KS2 Tri Golf Event

June 2024 Years 5 & 6 Boys Cricket


Well done to our year 5 & 6 boys who attended this years cricket festival at Shelfield School - the rain managed to stay off long enough for us to compete our set of fixtures. The team came together to record some fantastic results against other local schools and we finished the day with two victories and two losses. 

June 2024 Years 3 & 4 Football Festival at Bescot Stadium


A fantastic football festival was held at Bescot Stadium for our year 3 & 4 boys. We played a total of 5 fixtures, winning all the games and only conceding one goal. 

Player of the day - Gene 



June 2024 KS1 Mixed Football


A first competitive event for many of our KS1 children at Walsall's Bescot Stadium. Due to another schools non-attendance, we were able to field two strong teams in this event. Both teams played fantastic football for their age group, playing to the rules and congratulating our opponents after each match. Mrs Baynham-Hughes is very proud of everyone. 

Player of the Match for Team 1 - Ashton (fantastic goalscoring)

Player of the match for Team 2 - Daisy (for showing resilience)


June 2024 Rounders Festival 


Two teams of children from years 5 & 6 participated in this years SGO Rounders Festival at Shelfield Ormiston School. We used this day to learn the rules of rounders and play competitively. All the children had a fantastic day on the field and keeping active. We particularly enjoyed the St Anne's A Team vs St Anne's B team, a very close game with lots of enthusiasm. 


June 2024 Mixed Cricket Festival 


 A small group of year 4 children represented the school at the latest Streetly Games Cricket Festival. Before the event started, many children were asking how to play, the rules etc, but with a bit of time to spare before our first game and a quick tutorial, we went on to win two games and lose two. A fantastic achievement for all of those children, We saw some amazing batting and bowling skills - the highlights being Ben hitting four 6's from a 5 ball over and Ava getting 4 wickets in an over despite her telling me she didn't know what she was doing! Well done. 

May 2024 Tag Rugby Compete Event at Veseyans Rugby Club


A depleted but positive squad turned up the Veseyans Rugby Club in the annual tag rugby event. The children thought that there would be many losses as rugby isn't our strong point, however, we came away with some fantastic victories and came 3rd out of 9 schools. Some fantastic last minute tries and diving tackles ensured that we gained vital points to move ourselves up the table. Well done to all the children that took part - you displayed a fantastic and determined attitude that made me very proud to be your teacher. 


Player of the Day - Ollie


April 2024 Y5 & Y6 Girls Netball


Our year 5/6 netball squad attended the compete Netball event at Streetly Academy. The girls showed a great amount of progress from Autumn, when the last event was held. They managed a win, a draw and 2 losses in a highly competitive event. 

April 2024 Boys and Girls Football Finals - Bescot Stadium


Both the boys and girls team attended the very wet football finals over at Bescot Stadium. The teams played some exceptional football at times and scored some great goals, one particular goal sticks in mind was Shay's goal from the half way line! 

Boys Player of the Day - Bobby

Girls Player of the Day - Millie

Well done to all those who have represented St Anne's at either the qualifying stage or in the finals. 

April 2024 Aquatics Showcase Event - Sandwell 


St Anne's were very fortunate to be invited to a showcase aquatics event held in the commenwealth pool in Sandwell. Children arrived at 11am to be greeted by the Commenwealth Games mascot. Throughout the day the children got to experience a mixture of dry-side activities in the diving room and were given a talk on water safety. In the afternoon, we moved into the pool where the children experienced diving from blocks, water polo, jumping from the 3mtr diving board and syncronised swimming. A fantastic day for the children to experience! 


March 2024 Swimming Gala 


Seven of our very best swimmers from years 5 & 6 represented St Anne's in the SGO swimming gala at Walsall Gala Baths. The event consisted of individual and team races. Overall, we had some 1st, 2nd 3rd and 4th placed swimmers - a great effort from all the children involved - Well Done!




3rd - St Anne's - 168points (Boys 80, Girls 88)

February 2024 Year 5 & 6 Boys and Girls Football 


Our squads of girls and boys in years 5 & 6 attended the compete football event. Both team successfully qualified for the football finals at Bescot Stadium for the 2nd year in succession.



January 2024 Boccia Inspire Event 


A group of student were selected to represent St Anne's at the Boccia event at Sneyd School. Boccia, similar to bowls, is a sit down event where children aim their coloured ball at the target (white ball). The balls are quite heavy in weight so children are encouraged to roll the ball along the fall to the target area. St Anne's played against many schools and showed great sportsmanship throughout the day. 


February 2024 Cross Country KS2


Our Y3-Y6 children took part in a cold and damp cross country event at Aldridge Airport. The year 3 children started on the smaller circuit of 800m, with the distance increasing for each year group. The event finished off with a team relay with those children selected, coming 3rd. 


Runner of the day - Rory (Y3)


December 2023 Dodgeball 


Years 5 & 6 were invited to an engage dodgeball event where several schools under the SGO umbrella were invited to play against each other in a non-competitive environment. Although it was a non-competitive event, scores were taken and the team did extremely well to win all their games!


November 2023 Inspire Festival Shelfield Ormiston 


Our Inspire Event, held at Shelfield Ormiston Academy, was attended by some of our year 5 pupils. The day consisted of archery, cricket, hockey, netball and many more engaging activities.

November 2023 Y5 & Y6 Sports Hall Athletics 


A truly fantastic atmosphere at the indoor sports hall athletics competition with every child representing St Anne's, giving 110%. A real team effort saw us come a very respectable 3rd place in a pool of highly talented athletes. 

October 2023  Y5 & Y6 Netball at Shelfield Ormiston 


Well done to our year 5 and year 6 netballers who won all their games in the Streetly Partnerships Inspire event. They played to a fantastic level and we can see the progression they are making in after school netball  and out of school netball clubs. Well done girls, we are very proud with your sportsmanship and determination. 

October 2023 Footgolf at Aldridge Airport


One of our favourite events of the year - FOOTGOLF. A fairly new event on the Streetly Partnership calendar, this involves kicking a football across the field into a giant, man made, steel hole, in as little kicks as possible. It tests skill and accuracy as well as patience as conditions can be quite difficult on the hill! Well done to our 2023 Footgolf Team!


October 2023 Y3/Y4 Boys Engage Football 


A team of 7 boys from years 3 & 4 were sent over to Shelfield Ormiston School to represent St Anne's in the first event of the calendar year with the Streetly Partnership. The boys were very successful, winning 3 and drawing 1. Player of the day went to Oliver for his composure in defence. A great start to the year and a bright future.

