Year 1 Homework
Year 1 Spellings
Every Wednesday, your child will be assigned a list of spelling words on google classroom. Your child will be expected to learn and practise these at home. Look at the spelling strategies sheet for a variety of ways your child can learn their spellings at home. Once they have learnt their spellings to the best of their ability, you can upload photographic evidence onto google classroom for Mrs McCabe to see. Homework is due back every Monday by 9am. Homework can not be submitted on google classroom after 9am. Your child will also be tested every Monday to assess the spelling pattern they have been learning.
The spelling words follow the level 5 phonic digraphs/trigraphs that we have been looking at in that week, including some tricky words.
Depending on your child's ability, you should be aiming to learn a minimum of 6 words. More confident children will be able to learn all 10 words including the common exception words (tricky words).
If you would like to extend your child further, it would be very beneficial
to encourage your child to create and write a sentence after they have practised all of their words. They may even like to make a very short story using as many words as possible! Being able to write sentences independently in Year 1 is a very important skill to enable your child to progress with their English skills. A minimum of 1 sentence or a maximum of 3 would be recommended).
Year 1 Phonics
Please use the Phonics play website (see below) to practise level 5 as well as Level 3 and Level 4 sounds. Your child will be expected to practise reading 'real' or 'fake' words. Each week you can focus on the phoneme (digraph) that is recorded on their spelling sheet (see spelling sheet). Please encourage your child to also practise Level 3 or Level 4 sounds in addition to this. They can also practise the 'Tricky words' games.
Year 1 Maths/Learn Its
These will be sent out weekly. Please check their reading packet for these. Children are encouraged to practise these daily and within the given time recorded on the sheet, in order to progress onto the next step. Please don't worry if your child is not responding to the pressure of being timed as we will be timing them every Monday. It would be more beneficial to practise the skills in each step first before using the timed guidance. If you are worried that your child is not progressing (as it will get trickier!) please get in touch with Mrs Trattos. If your child has completed their step within the given time, please indicate this on the sheet so that we can progress your child onto the next step.
Please look at the link below for a link to learning the steps that your child may be stuck on.
Phonics Videos and Phonics Play
Phonics Phase 5 revision (Spot the Digraph)
You can support your child in their phonics by reading the comprehension activities and by encouraging your child to spot the digraph and to add in the sound buttons. (Please see the sound button sheet for the answers to guide you)
Phonics Resources
Phonics Phase 5 revision Spring Term 2 (Spot the Digraph)
Phonics Spring
Below are some useful links to songs that we are currently using to support the children's learning of numbers to hundred, in digits and words and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. The children are thoroughly enjoying singing along.