St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

Catholic Life Photo Gallery 2020 - 2021

OneLife Music Summer Livestream - July 2021

St Anne’s is 50. We have finally been able to start the celebrations. The Archbishop came to celebrate Mass at church. Some children came to celebrate while the rest of school took part via video link back in school

New Nursery Prayer Garden

Sophia wanted to paint some pebbles and create a prayer garden especially for Nursery. Herself and her friend Grace decided to collect lots of pebbles and the whole class contributed to their colourful designs. She wanted them to be displayed inside the Cross that Jesus died upon. She also wanted some sparkles to represent Rosary beads. Nursery have since been using the Prayer Garden to stand or kneel down and feel God’s presence by touching the stones or by praying to Our Lord. What a fabulous invention Sophia and Grace. Mrs McCabe and Mrs Edgerton are so proud!

Socially distanced May Procession - May 2021

Staff INSET Day - Father Gwil celebrated Mass for staff and governors

Pentecost Altar

Although we cannot see The Holy Spirit we know he is there, just like the air. Nursery did balloon races to show that even though we cannot see the air we know it is real just like The Holy Spirit.

Alleluiah! Christ is Risen! Nursery did a group handprint sun project to celebrate the good news.

Lenten Prayer & Holy Week 2021

Nursery Class Liturgy March 2021

A Day of Reflection - COVID- 19

The children have helped prepare the altars for Lent

Reception RE Lockdown Home Learning

Nursery RE Lockdown Home Learning

Advent Altars
