St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

St Anne's Parish

St Anne's Catholic Church



The Parish Church of St. Anne’s is on Bridle Lane in Streetly.


Father Gwilliam Lloyd, our Parish Priest, is a regular visitor to our school. 


Children regularly attend Mass on Tuesday mornings at 9am with the parish and Father Gwil celebrates the parish Mass in school every Wednesday. There is a rota for different year groups to attend these. Please look on the newsletter for details.


Exciting News - An Alpha course starts at Church from Wednesday 2nd October @ 7pm all welcome.  Further details on school newsletter.


Week Day Mass Times

Monday: 9.00am

Tuesday: 9.00am (one class to attend in term time)

Wednesday: 9.00am (usually in school in term time)

Thursday: 9.00am

Friday: 9.00am


Morning Prayer will be said before 9.00am Mass on weekdays when Mass is in church. The Rosary is prayed after Tuesday morning Mass.


Holy Day Masses: 9.00am, 7.30pm


Father Gwill extends a warm invitation to all children and families to attend Mass over the weekend at one of the three Masses. The Mass on Saturday at 6.00pm includes the children's liturgy group suitable for younger children.


Sunday Mass Times

Saturday Vigil Mass: 6.00pm (includes the children's liturgy)

Sunday Masses: 8.30am & 11.00am


Confessions: Saturday 5.00pm



Contact Details:

St Anne’s Catholic Church

Bridle Lane



B74 3HB


Tel: 0121 353 3778



Father Gwil comes to school every Wednesday and Friday

Father Gail introduced us to Sister Lizzy at the end of Mass who has joined the parish
