Year 6 Homework
- Spelling - Spelling rules are taught on Monday during English lessons for testing on the following Friday.
- Times Tables - Children should continue to learn and develop speed in times tables by using tasks set on 'Times tables Rockstar. They will complete a 'Times Table Challenge' three times a week in school.
- Reading Journal - The children should complete good quality work - we are looking for quality and not quantity Year 6!.
- Please learn the 'Prayer to the Holy Spirit' and 'Hail Holy Queen' prayers from your prayer books.
- Nando's homework.
- Read 'Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry' from the website pages - follow the link on the main page.
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Spellings for half term one
Homework for Half Term 1
I would just like to add some clarification about the 'Nando's' takeaway homework.
By the end of the half term, I expect the children to have completed 6 tasks from the sheet.
This must include one from the 'extra hot' row and one from the 'hot' row. If the children wish to do the geography homework from the extra spicy row then that is on the website.
Then two each from the 'mild' and 'extra mild' row.
The homework can be handed in weekly or at the end of the half term.
Thank you
Topic Homework for Half Term 2
I would just like to add some clarification about the 'Nando's' takeaway homework.
By the end of the half term, I expect the children to have completed 6 tasks from the sheet.
This must include one from the 'extra hot' row and one from the 'hot' row. If the children wish to do the geography homework from the extra spicy row then that is on the website.
Then two each from the 'mild' and 'extra mild' row.
The homework can be handed in weekly or at the end of the half term.
Thank you
Spellings for Half Term 2
Homework for Half Term 3
Crime and punishment homework expectation
Please complete 4 tasks from the grid and hand in at the end of half term. If you have any problems with your homework then please talk to me instead of bothering your parents!
Spellings for Half Term 3
Homework for Half Term 4
For your homework this half term, we are focusing on maths and English skills. Please complete 3 activities a week from your sheets in your homework books and 1 maths assessment quiz which can be found in the zip folder above.
You may complete some of the Ancient Greek homework if you wish.