St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

Nursery Photographs 2023-2024

Role Play: Jesus turned water into wine at the Wedding at Cana

Vocations morning with Maria from Openreach

Forest School- Bug hunting with Staffordshire Wildlife Trust

Using our binoculars to search for the hidden jungle animals.

Collective Worship: Mary mother of God

Forest School Fun. Playing together and problem solving

Fingerprint Activity- we learnt that everyone’s fingerprints are unique.

The Three Little Pigs- colour mixing and building houses for the Three Little Pigs!

Gingerbread Decorating- Using our counting skills to count the correct amount of decorations onto the gingerbread man.

Biscuit decorating- we used our maths skills to count the toppings and our ‘duck fingers’ to add sprinkles to our biscuits. Well done Nursery!

Who’s in my family? October 2023

The Creation: Who made the twinkling stars, the birds that fly, the fish that swim, me and you?
