St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

Governors & the Governing Body

The Governing Body and role of Governors

The Governing Body provides strategic leadership and accountability at St Anne’s. It has three key functions:

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction: ensuring the Catholic character of the school is preserved and that the school is conducted in accordance with the trust deed of the Archdiocese of Birmingham.


Governors set the aims and objectives for the school and set the policies and targets for achieving those aims and objectives. They monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making and act as a source of challenge and support to the headteacher. In action, this means:

  • Appointing and performance reviewing the headteacher and senior leaders, including making decisions about pay.
  • Managing budgets, oversight of premises, health & safety and deciding how money is spent.
  • Engaging with pupils, staff, parents and the school community.
  • Sitting on panels and making decisions about things like pupil exclusions and staff disciplinary.
  • Addressing a range of education issues within the school including disadvantaged pupils, pupils with special needs, staff workload and teacher recruitment.
  • Looking at data and evidence to ask questions and have challenging conversations about the school.


How is the Governing Body structured?

There are 12 Governors on St Anne’s Governing Body, appointed or elected by the various stakeholders that make up the school community. There are 7 Foundation Governors, representing the Archbishop of Birmingham, 1 Local Authority Governor appointed by Walsall Council, 2 Parent Governors – elected by parents and 2 Staff Governors (Headteacher and 1 elected staff member). We have 1 Associate member who is the Parish Priest. Governors are volunteers and are not paid for their time.

All governors meet as a Full Governing Body at least once each half term. There are also sub-committees which allow governors to focus on specific areas or to fulfil certain functions:

Pastoral & Spiritual Committee – oversight of Catholic Life, Religious Education, Collective Worship, pastoral issues and admissions. Chair of the committee Fr. G Lloyd.

Finance Committee - oversight of budgeting, value for money, risk management, health & safety and estate management. Chair of the committee Mr B Gray

Curriculum and Staffing Committee – oversight of educational standards, curriculum, non-delegated staffing and pay decisions. Chair of the committee Mr J Dowd

Appraisal Committee – performance management of the Headteacher. Chair of committee

Mrs S Shannahan

Academies Committee – ensuring the school is ‘academy ready’ in line with the expectations of the Archbishop of Birmingham. Chair of committee Mr M flower

Other committees or panels may be convened as, and when, required.


Who are the Governors?


Michael Flower (Chair, LA Governor)


Hello, I’m Michael and I’m Chair of Governors at St Anne’s. I attend the parish of St Anne’s here in Streetly. My son is currently at the school. I was previously a councillor for 9 years so bring knowledge and links with the local authority to the governing body. My main skills are in buildings and finance, as my professional work is in property, and I bring a business skill set to the school. I have a passion for Catholic education and want to ensure all children at the school receive an education at St Anne’s that is not only academically excellent, but provides a loving and rich experience centred around the joy of the Gospel. I am the link Governor for Health and Safety and Staff Wellbeing & EYFS.

Sally Stone (Foundation Governor)


Hi my name is Sally Stone, I live in Streetly, I am married and a mother of two.  I am currently vice chair of governors at St Anne’s. I thoroughly enjoy being a governor at St Anne’s, a post I have held for over 10 years. I have been a qualified teacher for thirty years and most of that time I have worked in Catholic Schools. I currently work as Inclusion Lead, and a member of the senior leadership team at a Catholic school in Birmingham. I am passionate about Catholic Education, both of my children were educated in Catholic school.

Fr Gwil Lloyd (Chair of Spiritual Committee, Associate Governor)


I am Fr Gwilym Lloyd. I've been the Parish Priest at St Anne's Streetly since 2002. I visit the school weekly and have a great love for Catholic Education as I see the faith growing and develop in the lives of the children. Before becoming a priest I was a senior lecturer in Law at Bristol Polytechnic. I also bring a legal mind to matters relating to the school. I am link Governor for Catholic Life and Collective Worship and Chair of the Pastoral & Spiritual Committee.


Claire O' Hara (Foundation Governor)


Hello, I’m Claire and I volunteered to be a Foundation Governor when I retired as Headteacher from St. Mary The Angels. I have worked in education all my working life. My children attended St. Anne's and I worked at St. Anne's as Deputy Headteacher, before moving into headship.  I attend the parish of St Anne’s. I am a member of the Curriculum Committee and link governor for Safeguarding and SEND.



Steph Shanahan (Vice-Chair, Foundation Governor)

Hello, I am Stephanie Shanahan and I am a Foundation Governor at St Anne’s School.  I have been a Governor for some 12 years having served on various committees over the years with Finance being a common theme alongside other committees during this time.  I have worked in the Financial Sector for 41 years so bring a good deal of knowledge around this subject to the Governing Body as well as general business knowledge.


I have had a long association with St Anne’s having had three children attend the school during which time I volunteered within the School and ran the Uniform Club for many years raising funds for the School for the ultimate benefit of pupils..  I attend St Anne’s Church and I am an Eucharistic Minister.


Whilst I no longer have children within the education sector, as pupils, I do have a deep passion to ensure our Catholic Education continues for future generations, having seen the benefits that being a pupil at St Anne’s had for my children, not only in educational standards but, and equally, if not more importantly, in allowing them to develop into very well rounded individuals.


Pat O’Kane  (Foundation Governor)


I have lived in St Anne's parish for over 40 years and my sons, Marcus and Dominic, attended the school. Before retiring I was headteacher of St Teresa's Catholic School in Birmingham and so have had a long association with Catholic Education. I was previously Chair of Governors here at St Anne’s and I am pleased to be a governor of such a happy and successful school. I am the link Governor for English.


Brendan Gray (Vice-Chair and Chair of Finance, Foundation Governor)

Hi, I’m Brendan and I was appointed as a Foundation Governor in 2021.  My association with St. Anne’s goes back 50 years to when I attended the school when it first opened in 1970.   More recently, my two boys attended the school before moving on to St. Francis of Assisi High School.  I am so pleased that my association with St. Anne’s has continued through the role of a governor.  I started my career in banking, but now I work as an accountant in the retail sector.  I am also the Chair of St. Anne’s Church Finance Committee.   I am passionate about Catholic education.  I am the link governor for maths, whilst also being the Chair of the school Finance Committee.




Sister Lizzie Uzendu (Foundation Governor)

Tom Baynham-Hughes (Parent Governor Chair of Curriculum Committee)

Hi, I’m Tom and I’m a new parent governor. I have strong links with St. Anne’s School. My mum was one of the teachers at St. Anne’s when the school first opened back in 1970 and I also attended the school myself as a child. I have 2 children at the school in Reception and Year 4 and so I’m heavily invested in wanting the best for the school and its pupils. As a family we attend mass regularly at St. Anne’s parish church and catholic education is extremely important to me. I have worked in the communications industry for over 15 years since finishing university. I am a huge Liverpool fan and follow the team both domestically and around Europe


Trish Johnston (Headteacher)

Helen Lee (Staff Governor)


How can I contact the Governing Body?


Governors can be contacted through the school office, or alternatively please contact the Chair of Governors:
