2024 - 2025
Welcome to Reception's class webpage. I hope it gives you the information you require to support your child in school. Please use the icons above to navigate through the webpages pertinent to Reception.
The new Curriculum Planner has been uploaded to the webpage to help you support your child at home.
Timings of the Day
Start of the Day - Gate Open from 8.30am-8.45am
Lunch - 11.30am - 12.30am
School Finishes - 3.15pm
Individual Home Reading Books
Reading Books = Every Day
Please make sure your child's reading book & reading record is in your child's reading record every day. Please try to spend a few minutes every evening to read with your child and write in the reading record.
1000 Stories
1000 Stories = Every Day
Please send your child's 1000 Stories book to school when you shared the story with your child. Don't forget to record the WOW Word on the collector card and talk about the meaning of the word. The children are enjoying changing their books and seeing which books other children are choosing. If you have misplaced the WOW Word collector card or need more information about this initiative, please log on to: 1000 Stories Launch letter & collector card
PE Day = Thursday
PE lesson take place every Thursday. Children should come to school in uniform and change into their PE kits from their PE Bags. These PE bags stay in school and are sent home at the end of every half term to be washed and returned on the first day after the holiday.
PE kit should include:
- Black shorts
- White t-shirt with the school logo
- Trainers with Velcro – no laces please
- A pair of white socks for girls in case they wear tights later in winter months
- Reception children do not need a black track suit or football shin pads – even if reminders come to you via ParentMail.
Please make sure that all PE kit and PE bags are clearly labelled on the outside with your child’s name and if it is a navy PE bag with a school logo then please ensure it has some sort of feature such as a key ring, ribbon etc. to help the children identify theirs.
For safety, please ensure children do not wear earrings on PE days.
Please ensure you return your child’s PE bag after a holiday
Woodlands Forest School
Woodlands Forest School Day = Friday
Children should come to school dressed in their Woodlands Forest School clothing for the whole day (clothing you don’t mind getting dirty such as leggings, t-shirt, fleece etc) wearing sensible Velcro footwear such as school shoes or trainers. Children do not need a change uniform on Friday's.
Please provide outer clothing in a named bag every Friday - sorry we don't have space to store them in school all week:
- waterproof all-in-one playsuit
- wellington boots (inside their own carrier bag to help stop the spread of mud through school and on clothing)
- spare socks in case theirs get wet
- a hat (winter / summer)
I will inform you if Woodlands Forest School is not taking place. If Friday happens to be a themed dress up day such as Journey through Time Day, we will not visit Woodlands School. Once we have registered the children and said prayers in the morning, we will put our outer clothing on. In colder weather, we will put your child’s school coat underneath their playsuit if needed to help keep them warm and once back in class the children will have hot chocolate. On the hotter and dryer days towards the end of the year we might have ice pops.
Streetly Library Visits
We will visit Streetly Library regularly for a story session on alternate Friday afternoons. I will inform you when this starts.
St Anne's has an active PTA who are always looking for new members and supporters. If you would like to join the committee, then please join us for the PTA meetings. If you don't want to join the committee, then please support the PTA by attending events, buying raffle tickets, merchandise, donating raffle prizes, business/company match funding, buying name stampers using Easy to Name or name tags using Stikins and the easiest way when shopping online by registering and using EasyFundraising.
More information about our PTA can be found on the St Anne's PTA Webpage.
New members are always welcome to join us.
Mrs Turley - Class Teacher Mrs Long - Teaching Assistant
Mrs D'Arcy - EYFS Support Teaching Assistants
Mrs Swann - KKDC Dance Teacher
Mrs Leach & Mrs O'Reilly - Dinner Supervisors
General Reminders / Information
- Please make sure that uniform, PE kits, coats and drinking flasks are clearly named (if it moves or can be taken off - name it!) especially if your child has new uniform. Please do not use pen to write a name things as it will come off after a wash or become rubbed off. Don't forget to put your child's name on the outside of their reading packet and pump bag too. It is especially helpful to add a key ring onto the reading packet and pump bag to help your child identify it
- Travelling Ted will go home regularly with his travel bag with a child who the staff are particularly proud of that day. There is no record book this year
- The 'Prayer Bag' will go home every day on a rota basis
- The 'PE Bag' will go home every day on a rota basis
- PE lessons - Thursday
- Library Visits - Alternate Friday's
- Woodlands School - Friday - see above for information
- Please check and clear your child's reading packet every evening. Reading Packets will be filled with letters, fliers, party invites, children's pictures etc. Please also have a look through your child's Links Book to check for messages.
- Please make sure your child's reading record and reading book is in school every day
- Please make sure your child's 1000 Stories is in school every day if you have shared their story at home
- Please ensure that earrings are of a small stud style and removed for PE & Woodlands School days
- Please ensure that children are not wearing nail varnish or visible tattoos to school
- Please make sure hair is tied up completely in ponytails or plaits and not in a half up / half down style to help stop the spread of head lice and is out of their face for play and work
- Please make sure that packed lunches include healthy choices and are not too big - Children should not be bringing nuts to school
- Please make sure that you always order your child's school dinner (especially after a weekend or holiday). Please inform the office if you have any problems
- If your child is late (after 8.45am) in the morning, please take them directly to the main office
- If you want to give the class a treat on your child's birthday, then please provide a small packet of sweets or chocolate bar. We do not have the facilities for sharing big birthday cakes and anything larger can make some parents and children feel uncomfortable.
*Please note, that dates and times are subject to change. Please keep your eye on Mrs Johnston's weekly Headlines Parent Mail*
Value & Virtue - Intentional & Prophetic
Monday 4th November - Back to school
Friday 8th November - Celebration Assembly at 9am
Friday 8th November - PTA 'Beat the Teachers Quiz Night' - Could you put together a Reception team? It's a fun evening and it's not University Challenge! ***Cancelled due to low numbers***
Saturday 16th November - Family Mass celebrating lives of lost loved ones at 6pm in church
Wednesday 20th November - Rec & Y6 Mass in School
Thursday 21st November - Parent Meetings
Friday 22nd November - St Cecilia Day
Friday 29th November - Parent & Child Reading Together Session at 2.30pm
Saturday 30th November - Whole School Parish Family Mass at 6pm in church
Sunday 1st December - First Sunday in Advent
Monday 2nd December - People of Hope Week
Friday 6th December - Christmas Fayre after school
Friday 6th December - Christmas Stories read by Teachers added to Video Resource Centre
Saturday 7th December - Rec & Y6 Family Mass at 6pm in church
Monday 9th December - People of Peace Week
Wednesday 11th December - EYFS Nativity Play at 2pm
Thursday 12th December - EYFS Nativity Play at 2pm
Friday 13th December - Whole School One Life Music Retreat
Monday 16th December - People of Joy Week
Wednesday 18th December - Christmas Dinner Day
Thursday 19th December - School closes for Christmas at 3.15pm
Value & Virtue - Grateful & Generous
Jubilee Year - Pilgrims of Hope click here for information about Jubilee Year
Recycle Christmas Cards - Please send in any used Christmas Cards
Monday 6th January - Return to school
Friday 10th January - MUFTI DAY - Please send in any unwanted Christmas Gifts for PTA Mother's Day & Father's Day shops or to be used as prizes
Friday 24th January - Parent & Child Reading Together Session at 2.30pm
Monday 27th January - Reception's Chinese New Year celebrations all week
Friday 7th February - Whole School One Life Music Retreat Day for Jubilee Year NO WOODLANDS FOREST SCHOOL DAY - PLEASE WEAR UNIFORM
Friday 14th February - Break up for half term at 3.15pm
Value & Virtue - Attentive & Discerning
Monday 24th February - Return to School
Wednesday 5th March - Ash Wednesday
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day WEAR PJ's or RECYCLE COSTUMES
Monday 10th March - Art Day
Friday 21st March - Parent & Child Reading Together Session at 2.30pm
Wednesday 2nd April & Thursday 3ed April - EYFS Online Safety (information to follow)
Thursday 11th April - Parent Meetings from 1.30pm
Value & Virtue - Compassionate & Loving
Monday 28th April - Return to school
Monday 5th March - Bank Holiday School Closed
Friday 16th May - Parent & Child Reading Together Session at 2.30pm
Friday 23rd May - Break up for half term
Value & Virtue - Faithfilled & Hopeful
Thursday 5th June - Y6 Confirmation - please keep our Special Friends in your prayers
Sunday 13th June - Father's Day
Friday 20th June - Proposed Sports Day
Saturday 21st June - First Holy Communion Masses - please keep Y3 in your prayers
Friday 27th June - Parent & Child Reading Together Session at 2.30pm
Saturday 5th July - Proposed PTA Summer Garden Party
Friday 18th July - Last Day of Term