Useful Information
Staff in Year 2
Miss H Jones - Year 2 Class Teacher
Mrs McCombie - Year 2 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Matchett- Year 2 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Taylor - Music Teacher
Homework will be sent out via Google Classroom on Fridays and is due in on Wednesdays. Spellings will also be sent out on Fridays on the same homework assignment on Google Classroom. Children will be tested on their spellings on a Friday.
Prayer Bag
Our class prayer bag will be sent home to a different child each day. Please use the contents to reflect through prayer. It would be wonderful if the children could write their own prayer in the Y2 Prayer Book, which is included in the bag.
PE Home Bag
Our PE home bag will be sent home to a different child each week on a Friday. The bag contains a range of PE equipment for children to use at home to help stay active. Please return the PE home bag the following Friday.
Reading books
We aim to change reading books at least once a week for each child, where the reading record book has been signed by a parent. Please sign your child's reading record book each time they have been heard read. This could also be signed for additional books that children have read for enjoyment.
Our PE day is Wednesday. Please arrive wearing your St. Anne's PE kit.