St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

Computing Curriculum

Computing Curriculum Map

Intent, Implementation, Impact

Below you will see the Acceptable Use policy that each class will sign at the beginning of each academic year. Please discuss these rules with your child at home, to ensure their safety, when they are using devices at home.

When your child is using devices at school or at home, it is important that they are aware of who they can speak to if they see something that is inappropriate or makes them feel uncomfortable. The Trusted Adults poster above will indicate the Trusted Adults that have been discussed with your children. Please reinforce this at home too. Tell A Trusted Adult who can help you.  

Enrichment Activities

Online Safety Team 2023-2024

Digital Leaders 2023-2024

Walsall Schools Competition 2023-2034 Highly Commended

Meet our Digital Leaders 2022-2023

Meet Our Online Safety Team 2022-2023

Walsall Online Safety Competition Winner - 2023

Still image for this video

Highly Commended

Still image for this video

Highly Commended

Still image for this video

Highly Commended

Still image for this video

Online Safety Themes (EYFS, KS1 and KS2)

Staying safe when I am on the internet 

Are you 8-10 years old? Play the Band Runner game below from The Thinkuknow website

The Band Runner game provides clear and practical safety advice under the following headings:

  • Play – Playing games online
  • Like – Being kind to others online
  • Share – Sharing videos and photos online
  • Chat – Talking to others online
  • Lock – Keeping information private
  • Explore – Exploring the internet

The website also has a ‘Worried about something’ section offering advice and support to children who are feeling worried, scared or upset about something which has happened online.


Below are some useful resources to support your child with computer coding. (You may need to download these as 'apps' onto your devices)

Year 6 are learning about Computer Networking

A.I Artificial Intelligence
