Dan & Emily from One Life Music have visited St Anne's a few times over the last year. They deliver the annual staff retreat and last year delivered an amazing whole school retreat that the children enjoyed. We still sing some of the hymns they taught us. Join them in their weekly prayer via their YouTube videos below.
Log on to their website here for more information:
One Life Music - Hail Mary
If times had been a little more normal, we had planned to be releasing some #NewMusic around now. However, with our last studio date being postponed and our finances challenged, we will be holding on a little longer. But we thought perhaps we’d share the odd #NewHymn now and with this being the Month of Our Lady we thought we’d start with our new tune to the #HailMary #May2020
Weekly Worship & Song 8
This weeks Weekly Worship and Song puts it's focus on Mary, in this month of May when we pay particular attention to Our Lady in our prayers. This episode reminds us of Mary's belief in her Son as we ask her to intercede for us and lead us closer to Jesus. #Easter2020 #Mary #OneChurchatHome