Class Prayers
Here are the prayers the children in Reception will be learning through the year. They will need to be confident in saying them all by the end of the year. Perhaps you could share these at home with your family. You might like to print them out and display them in your child’s bedroom. Don’t forget to start and end with the sign of the cross using your right hand.
Reception Class Prayer
We have created a prayer for Reception Class to share together to as God to help us grow together and thank Him for the gift of our school community.
Prayer bags
Our class Prayer Bag will go home with children following a rota on a daily basis. We ask that you take time as a family to pray together, allowing children to set up the prayer focus using the artefacts, books and pictures provided. More information can be found on our school's Catholic Life - Prayer webpage:
Many of the times spent talking to God are in song. We learn many of the traditional and modern hymns, including those with actions and we use sign language to accompany many. Every morning we sing “Good Morning Jesus’ and also sing ‘Jesus, You Are The Light’ when we light the candles to remind us that Jesus is the light of the world.
Guided Mindfulness Meditation in Reception
In Reception, we take part in guided mindfulness meditation. We all find a quiet space away from other children and close our eyes. Mrs Turley plays some peaceful music and we spend time relaxing, letting our minds drift and we think about special people and places. We are reminded that we are are all special and loved. We are reminded that we are all created in the image of God and that God loves each and every one of us. We think about those things we are thankful for. We finish with a prayer of thanks ensuring we thank God for all the special gifts He has given us. The music we use is in the Autumn 1 Videos page.