St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

Class Saints

Class Saints at St Anne's


All classes at St. Anne's have a devotion to their own class saint.


At the start of the year the children learn about their saint and remember them in their class prayers throughout the year. Classes have a special celebration on their Saint's feast day. The children have made murals about their class saints that are displayed in their classes and some art work has been produced that is displayed in the hall.


Class Saints

Nursery St Anne
Reception St Cecillia
Year 1 St Francis of Assisi
Year 2 St Therese of Lisieux
Year 3 St Padre Pio
Year 4 St Teresa of Calcutta
Year 5 St Maximilian Kolbe
Year 6 St Vincent de Paul


Please look on the individual class pages for more information about each Saint.


Images of our class saints are displayed in the school hall

Hall Displays about our Class Saints
