St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

Year 3 Homework and Website Links

Updated Friday 28th June

Spelling tests will be the last three Mondays of term. Next Monday words ending in -al, the following Monday words ending in -sure, the final Monday words ending in -ture. The list is bellow saying last term' s spellings.

Many thanks



Spellings week beginning 24th June

spellings spring 2

Spring 1 spellings updated January 8th

Reconcilliation preparation

Autumn Term 1 spellings

Year 3/ 4 common exception word list

Autumn 2 spellings

Spellings Spring Term 1

Spellings for spring 2

Spellings Summer 1

Summer 2 spellings

Act of Contrition/ Sorry Prayer




Dear Parents,

Below I have added some links to websites that can help children with their learning.

