St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

Who's Who




Mrs T Johnston - Headteacher/ SENCO/ Designated Safeguarding Lead




Miss E Keedwell - Year 6 teacher/ RE and PSHE Co-ordinator/Deputy DSL/TA - PM


Mr T Caddick- Year 5 teacher/ English Co-ordinator/Assessment Co-ordinator


Miss E Regan   Year 4 Class teacher


Mrs Y Robinson - Year 3 teacher/ MFL Co-ordinator/ History and Geography Co-ordinator


Miss H Jones - Year 2 teacher/Science Co-ordinator


Mrs E Trattos  - Year 1 teacher 

Mrs McCabe -  Year 1 teacher/ICT Co-ordinator/E-Safety Lead


Mrs A Turley - Reception teacher/ EYFS Phase Leader/Collective Worship lead


Mrs G Lingwood and Mrs Trattos  - Nursery teachers


Mr S Cash - Music Specialist


Mrs C Baker - Art/DT teacher



Teaching Assistants


Mrs H Lee - SENCO


Mrs C D'Arcy 


Mrs N Benton 


Mrs L Long 


Mrs J Train


Miss K Wallis


Mrs S Flower


Mrs S McCombie


Mrs S Matchett


Mrs H Padley


Mrs S Baynham-Hughes

Office Staff


Mrs M Miller - School Administrator


Mrs K Arhipova - Administrator (Finance)


Mr D Meakin - Caretaker




Lunchtime Supervisors


Mrs S Leach 


Mrs S O'Reilly


Mrs K Arhipova


Mrs S Baynham-Hughes


Mrs K Daly



Morning and Afterschool Club Leaders


Mrs J Clifford 


Mrs T Dennis


Mrs S Matchett



