School Closure Learning
Hello Year 4,
If we find ourselves learning from home, this is where you will come to find your work for each day. Below you will find your learning schedule for the day as well as all of the resources that you need.
Videos will be uploaded each day for English and Maths. These can be found on the 'Video Resource Centre'.
Please complete all of your Maths work in your Maths book. All other work can be completed in the red exercise book. Your work will need to come back to school with you when you return so please make sure you stay on top of it.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Well done for all your hard work
Mr Johnston
Contact Mr Johnston
Please contact me if you need anything. I would like to hear from you at least once a week. Feel free to send me any of your work: I would love to see it.
Home Learning - Daily Schedules
Video Resource Centre - Daily Maths and English lessons:
Times Tables
Now would be a great time to get all of your times tables learnt.
Below are some websites that will be useful for you:
You should also be spending a minimum of ten minutes on Times Tables Rockstars each day. We already have 8 Rock Legends in our class. I would love to see more of you achieving this.