St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

Reception Photographs - Autumn Term 2 2024

Exploring Using Our Senses

Jumping is fun!

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Exploring how balls move on the ball run

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Can you see us move like crabs?

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We love visiting Blackwood Library every fortnight. The librarians read us a story and we choose books to share.

Wreath Making for Remembrance Day

Happy 5th Birthday Travelling Ted

Our first Bikability balance bike group led by Mrs Baynham-Hughes

Learning how to draw and paint pictures of our whole bodies

Teamwork Inside

We have been learning about hedgehogs. Mrs Turley read the story ‘Smith & Matilda’. We designed houses for hedgehogs to hibernate in.

Enjoying our PE Sessions every Thursday Morning in the Hall - learning about space and other players, moving in a variety of ways and playing team games

St Cecilia Day November 22nd 2024 - Being musicians, singing hymns and making musical shakers

Our Musical Composition using our Musical Shakers

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Phonics Level 2. We are enjoying learning to write the ‘ss’ double letter digraph and using our Robot Fingers to write words

Online Safety Talk - we are learning our trusted adults, appropriate software to use, to use YouTube Kids and ask a grown up before using devices. How long is your screen time? Ensure children are restricted to less than 1 hours a day and do not use devices before bedtime.

Stay & Pray to remember the lives of lost loved ones who are with Our Father in Heaven. Who will you pray for?

Collecting evergreen leaves and red berries for our Advent Wreath - Pictures outside taken by Rose and Croia

Woodlands School followed by Hot Chocolate

Mrs Turley reads stories brought in to school by Rose and Connie at the Library whilst the Librarian listened. We then enjoyed choosing our own books with friends

EYFS Nativity 2024 - Reception children narrated acted the story as shepherds, angels, kings, the star, Mary and Joseph. They enjoyed learning Advent hymns and Christmas Carols

Christmas Dinner Day - the children loved it and said it was the best dinner ever and wanted it every day!

Having fun dancing, playing musical statues and pass the parcel at our class Christmas party. Even Bonnie came to say hello.

Enjoying the last day of the Christmas Term - performing to our friends and making Santa’s Magic Chocolate
