St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

Building the Kingdom

Building the Kingdom Autumn Term

Building the Kingdom



At St Anne's, we are very proud to be a part of the Building the Kingdom programme, the aim of which is to embed distinctive Catholic curriculum design for the transformation of society.


Through Building the Kingdom, we explore the big questions of purpose and meaning that arise throughout the Liturgical year, and then create lessons and events which engage students with the skills needed to be agents for a Spirit-fuelled transformation of society.


In 2023-2024 we completed Level 1 and commence Level 2 in September 2024, which is aimed at developing the gift that each child possesses for the transformation of society.


We work with other schools who are a part of the programme and share our practice at different events, sharing ideas and forming a professional network.



We have worked with Sister Judith Russi SSMN to consider approaches that will promote critical and higher order thinking skills across the curriculum. We have developed a wide range of creative strategies to develop our children's skills to be advocates for change for those in the greatest need in society.


Children at St Anne's are being formed to be the 'Leaders of Tomorrow'. All children are encouraged to take a leadership role in school whether it be in the form of being a member of the Pupil Parliament, the Eco Team or Digital Leaders, Play Leader, Special Friends or Curriculum Subject Leaders to name just a few. We aim that all children will leave St Anne's with a greater sense that they can make a difference.


Building the Kingdom - November - Lives of Lost Loved One’s MemoryBoxes

Building the Kingdom - October - Female Saints & Role Models
