St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

Prayer Services

Collective Worship 2023-24 - Prayer Services

This year, all children will have the chance to lead prayer services to the rest of the class as part of small group. The prayer services will focus on the WEDNESDAY WORK for that particular week and should include some response, scripture, discussion and then time for prayer. The children have been taught how to structure their service and can ask for help in school to support them when planning their service. 


Below you will find the list detailing when the children will be leading their services, who they have in their group, which Wednesday Word their service will focus on and an idea for scripture that they may choose to use. You will also find an example Powerpoint for a Wednesday Word Collective Worship session led by Miss Keedwell in September. The children may wish to use this as a starting point when planning and preparing their session. 

Eloquent and Truthful

Have a look at the resource below to help you to plan your prayer service:

Faith-filled and Hopeful Prayer Service Planning