St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

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St Anne's Catholic

Primary School

Live, Love and Learn together with Christ.

Minnie Vinnies - Turning Concern into Action 2019-2020

We unpack, sort and store the new playground equipment

The Minnie Vinnies helped Year 1 at after school art club

Thursday 24th October - Oakwood School MUFTI Day


On Thursday 24th October, we are having a MUFTI day to raise funds for Oakwood Special School.  One of our members has a sibling at this school and we are trying to raise money to purchase sensory toys and books for the school.  We are also holding an Art Competition - we are asking pupils to create a piece of art and pay £1 to enter the competition.  


Help us to turn our concern into action. Thank you everyone for your support we raised £220.00 in total for Oakwood.
